Bedrock Strength


Get Buff, Develop Boundless Energy, and Build an Unshakeable Foundation of 360-Degree Strength

Imagine it’s Monday afternoon around 4 p.m. and you’ve been stuck at your desk for the past eight hours. Once again, your day hasn’t gone as planned. You planned to exercise today. You may even have brought your workout clothes with you to duck into the gym on your lunch break, but a long-winded conference call and an impromptu concept session with your boss kept you working straight through.

Your energy is low because you’re running on fumes, your always-achy back and shoulders hurt from sitting all day, and the truth is, you weren’t all that jazzed to train in the first place because you know you’ll just be doing the same tired activities you’ve been doing sporadically for what feels like forever. You’ve been spinning your wheels, and it’s reflected in the way you look and feel.

You’ve noticed that days like this have become more the rule than the exception to it, and you feel an overwhelming desire to break out of your rut, to bust out from behind your desk. You’re desperate to look and feel better...but HOW? 

My name is JVB, and some version of this story has been recounted to me by literally hundreds of people the first time they walk through the door of our gym, the Movement Minneapolis. Some have never picked up a weight or exercised (on purpose) before, while others used to be college-level athletes. Most fall somewhere in between. Regardless of their background, many of them — and very probably you, too — have one or more of these things in common:

My heart goes out to these people, because I know how easy it is to get caught up in the familiar and stick with what you know, even when it’s grown stale. That was me once, a long time ago. (But more on that in a little bit.) 

We were built to move in all the ways. Most of us aren’t doing that, and it’s to our detriment. 

Our bodies are constructed of layers of muscle surrounding the axis of our spines, and because of that structure, we have the ability to bend, rotate, reach, and roll.

Our bodies have the potential to lunge and jump, to brace against force and to drive against it, as well. 

If reading this is triggering a bodily memory that’s making you antsy to get up and GO, I’m not surprised. Except in cases where extenuating circumstances apply, this is how most of us moved about as children. 

But somewhere along the way, most of us stopped moving in all the ways we can. This doesn’t apply only to those who are sedentary. Even those of us who do belong to a health club (in America, that’s 52.9 million people, according to recent research) tend to perform the exact same movements nearly every time we go. 

Unfortunately, both ends of the spectrum—too little exercise OR too much of the same old thing—can lead to pain in the back, hips, shoulders, elbows, and so on. (In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, about 80 percent of adults experience low-back pain at some point in their lifetimes! That pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed workdays.) 

Look Beyond the Back and Forth

Most programs include plenty of exercises that are performed in what’s called the sagittal plane, where you move or bend forward and backward, but they are sorely lacking in the frontal plane (where you move from side to side) or the transverse plane (where you rotate or resist rotation). They’re also lacking in exercises where you are called upon to move quickly and explosively. Since the body operates on the principle of “use it or lose it,” that’s exactly what happens: You don’t feel safe or prepared to perform any kind of movement. (Don’t worry, you can get it back!)

If, on the other hand, you increase your strength by performing exercises where you move in a myriad of ways, you will cement a foundation of strength that cannot be shattered when confronted with everyday challenges such as:

Listen, life ain’t always pretty and the weights we handle on a daily aren’t always perfectly, evenly balanced. You may as well be prepared. You may as well be bulletproof. 

Getting better at moving in ALL planes of motion has an even broader application than what you see in the mirror: It’s training for a life well lived.

(But…what you will see in the mirror when you train this way is smokin’-hot, too.)

 I want to give you the opportunity to build balanced strength in 360 degrees. The sort of strength that sticks. That you can rely on as you move about your day without giving your capabilities a second thought.

I also want to teach you how to make the exact right decisions for YOUR body in every single workout.

By teaching you how to train intuitively (using a method pioneered in part by the owner of the Movement Minneapolis, David Dellanave) I want to empower you to navigate your program with ease, and to leave every workout knowing you did the best by your body that day.

Because with all the fitness information out there, how many times have you felt so overwhelmed you didn’t even know where to start?

I can relate: I was once one of those people searching for just the right exercise routine. Years ago, I left a sales job where I was on my feet eight hours a day in three-inch heels—with the hip and low back pain to prove it—to stay home and raise my two young toddlers.

I was out of shape and exhausted, and when I stepped back to honestly evaluate my life through a haven’t-slept-in-eighteen-months haze, I knew there was no way we were going to survive toddlerhood if I didn’t get my butt moving straight in the direction of the gym.

I started out by taking every fitness class that fit into my schedule with religious fervor. After getting certified to teach group classes, I jumped at the opportunity to attend any fitness workshop and certification I could get my hands on, including Pilates, TRX, Spin, and most recently, I became an RKC-certified kettlebell instructor and USA Powerlifting Club coach. I’ve worked with hundreds of people with varying levels of fitness experience, from all walks of life.

Through my own fitness journey, I’ve discovered the priceless value of being a strong, capable human. Now, I automatically say yes to opportunities because I believe I can handle whatever life throws at me, physical or otherwise. (This is the heart of what I want for you, too!) 

Which bring us to why we’re here: to introduce Bedrock Strength, the training program that will get you stronger and more capable on EVERY level.

Your workouts will be time-efficient, enjoyable and empowering while increasing your energy levels and building a foundation of strength that will last a lifetime. 

"Bedrock Strength is exactly the program I wish I’d had when I first started lifting weights."

It’s a total-body endeavor that will increase your strength, improve your mobility, and raise the bar on your overall work capacity (the total amount of work your body can handle and recover well from) without feeling like you had to crush yourself to get there.

I wrote it to show you that once you have a roadmap and the tools to navigate the path, the sky’s the limit when it comes to you finding out how strong and capable you can be.

Grab your copy today and get:

Bedrock Strength is fantastic. Whether you’re an experienced lifter or a beginner, this is a comprehensive, well-designed, safe program that will help you get stronger and build confidence as a lifter. It’s also the perfect “gateway” program for anyone who’s looking to explore some of the powerlifts. I highly recommend this program

Michelle C. - 46 - Havertown, PA

With solid workouts and an amazing glossary, this program helped me build an incredible amount of strength very quickly, and instilled in me a love for lifting heavy things! As a beginner to early intermediate lifter, I found this program easy to navigate, and it fit into my daily life as a busy mom of three small kids. I would recommend this program to lifters of any level who want to see awesome results!

Melissa T. - 33 - Tofield, Alberta, Canada

I loved this program for so many reasons, but the biggest change I noticed was in my motivation. Having a different workout to follow each day that was personalized for me via the biofeedback testing made me feel more engaged in my own training. I learned so many new tools with this program. Plus, my shoulders and core got A LOT stronger!

Lana O-P. - 31 - Invermere, B.C., Canada

Q: I’ve never really lifted or worked out before. Is this program for me?

A: Everything in Bedrock Strength can be learned by anyone interested in getting stronger, regardless of their level of fitness experience.

If you’re a beginner—meaning you’ve never or rarely stepped foot in a gym—you can still get comfortable enough with the content to get started. The Exercise Glossary (which includes links to video demos of the more involved exercises) is intended to help walk you through each movement correctly so you can do it properly before going forward.

That being said, if you’re already a fitness enthusiast, this program is perfect for you, as well. The workouts are intended to challenge any trainee—and that looks different for everyone. 

Q: Is this program REALLY different from other strength programs?

A: Without a doubt! Talking about the difference between Bedrock Strength and other strength programs is like building your own salad at the salad bar versus purchasing a pre-made salad in the grab-and-go section of the grocery store. In the latter, there might be bits and pieces you really like while the remainder goes into the trash. In the former, you have to opportunity to enjoy every single bite because you made it exactly how you wanted it. Of course it also has what you’d expect a good training program to have: a complete training manual and instructions for how to complete the program successfully, plus detailed descriptions of every single exercise included.

Q: Can I do the workouts at home or, do I need a gym membership for Bedrock Strength?

A: Here’s the deal: I would prefer you have access to a full gym for Bedrock Strength, because to truly build max strength, it’s nice to have access to barbells. Bedrock also calls out the need for access to a wide variety of free weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, and suspension trainers to name a few, and while exercise substitutions can be made, having access to a full gym of equipment will make your trek through the program much easier. 

Q: I’m in! How will Bedrock Strength be shipped to me??

A: Listen, 1998 called and it wants its shipping methods back. Bedrock Strength is a completely digital, downloadable set of PDFs that you get instant access to as soon as you purchase. What’s more, you can download and access the entire system on any device that can read a PDF—which these days is nearly anything. You can read it on your computer, your tablet, or your phone. You can even print it out and organize it into a three-ring binder, if you prefer. 

I’ve included a 30-day money-back guarantee for you on Bedrock Strength because I want you to have the comfort of knowing that if this incredible program doesn't work for you, you get your money back, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain: confidence, muscle, and peace of mind. If it doesn't work out for you, for whatever reason, we will return your money to you. I want you to get stronger in every way and to see results you never thought possible. I want you to perform better, be more confident, and—most importantly—I want you to enjoy yourself and be motivated to exercise. My confidence in the program is rock solid—hence the money-back guarantee. I know this works, and I know you’re going to love it.

This program was just flat-out FUN! Using biofeedback techniques before a workout meant I never knew exactly what I would be doing each day, and that gave it a choose-your-own-adventure feel. It also meant I got to play with all of the toys in the gym—from resistance bands to barbells and kettlebells and challenging bodyweight exercises. The built-in variety kept it feeling fresh the whole way through the program, and strength gains were easy to see over time despite not doing the exact same movements from week to week.

Heather O. - 39 - San Diego, CA 

As someone who has been athletic my entire life—from being an NCAA Division I rower to group fitness instructor and personal trainer—I’ve tried almost every variation of both cardio and strength training imaginable. I absolutely adore the format of Bedrock Strength: warm-up movements specific to that day’s workout, supersets focused on strength, and then a Lift Weights Faster–style circuit that blends resistance training with interval training.

On top of the solid strength foundation of the program, using biofeedback allows you to customize your workout to identify which exercises will benefit your body most on a given day. Having different exercise options on any given day make virtually every workout unique while still facilitating strength gains.

Using Bedrock Strength to learn and practice the principles of biofeedback has allowed me to propel my training to new heights and literally get better every day. I’ve made incredible gains in many of my lifts while doing this program. The amazing programming from Jen and JVB, combined with the intuitive aspects of biofeedback training, has made this my all-time favorite strength training program. 

Jeni H. - 34 - Charleston, S.C.

This program was the first I’d ever seen that wasn’t marketed to women’s insecurities, but rather appealed to my growing interest in becoming more. After a fairly long hiatus from movement due to a difficult personal time, biofeedback gave me the confidence to try new lifts and really tap into my intuition about my body.

The best part, though, might have been the average 210% improvement across the board on all my lifts, including a deadlift PR of my own body weight! Thank you Jen, JVB, and team for helping me get my start on the road to strong. I haven’t looked back. !

Amber M. - 38 - Boyle, Alberta, Canada

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