Breakthrough "Metabolic Hormone" Trick For Men Replaces 5,000 Hours In The Gym By Helping You Burn 450% More Body Fat In Less Than 45 Minutes Per Week...


The days of long boring workouts are over. The days of being a slave to the gym are gone. You no longer have
to marry a treadmill or elliptical ever again.

Breakthrough research has discovered a "Miracle Metabolic" trick inside you that forces your
body to replace fat with muscle. The best part is it only takes a few minutes per day and
no more than an hour total per week.

Once you begin using this simple trick, your body will be forced to change. Pounds of stubborn fat will melt
off your frame at record pace while slabs of muscle replace your problem areas. Revealing a body The
Greek God Zeus would be jealous of…

Now if this something you’d love to have, read every word on this

I'd hate for you to miss out on this information that has men calling it a miracle from up above.

Besides sculpting the physique of their dreams, they’re noticing other positive effects

In fact, you don't even need a gym. You can get all of this plus more right in the comfort of your bedroom.
This metabolic miracle trick is that powerful and works up 450% faster than traditional fat
loss techniques…And is much healthier on your hormones, joints and body.

Now before we keep going, I need to tell you something...

A tremendous amount of research has shown hours of cardio and disastrous diets are doing more harm to
your body than good. Especially if you're guy.

You see, there's always an easier way when it comes to getting ripped while building muscle. Don't believe the "gurus"
on Instagram. Most of them have confessed to being on performance enhancing drugs.

Because I was a victim of their lies, deceit and corruption. I bought their programs, their books, even
their supplements, which left me almost penniless. I'll admit, I fell for their “sorcery’ and in the end
I was left beaten and broken.

Which led me to this Metabolic Hormone Trick I'm about to share with
you. I accidentally stumbled upon it one day while reading an article published out of the University
Of South Wales, Syndey Australia.

You see, when you manipulate this trick to work with your body instead of against it, you’ll lose
your unwanted fat and replace it with head-turning muscle.

And I'm going to reveal it to you in just a second. But first, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Nicholas Ong and I've spent over 5,000 hours in the gym TRYING to get
ripped. Crazy right? I actually calculated the amount of time I've spent trying to get the body
of my dreams. This including time in the gym and outside preparing my meals and buying all the

But unfortunately, all that time just left me slightly in shape with a tiny
potbelly...not in the extreme shape I craved. In the end, I chalked it up to bad genetics and I was
destined to stay "skinny fat" forever.

Then I started asking questions and each answer led me back to one hormone.

Now cortisol is a stress hormone. It's pivotal to survival, especially thousands
of years ago to help prepare our bodies for the "fight or flight" response. However modern day living
has rendered this hormone almost useless…

Just look around. You can see it everywhere. Guys as young as 15 and as old as 90 with pot belly's.

In fact, did you know the distribution of fat on your body can all be traced back to your hormonal

You see, when you have more stomach fat, it's a clear sign your cortisol levels are
out of control.

After looking through the research, it's all because of stress.
Stress will kill your results faster than running into oncoming traffic and it’s all
around you. Everything from your job, your commute, family, your diet,
even your exercise program can cause this hormone to spiral out of control.

Now here's exactly what cortisol does and why you must control it if you want
a ripped, muscular body.

Like you read, cortisol is a stress hormone. It get's released when your
body senses a stressor and it could be anything. Your diet, your workout,
even getting in an argument.

So when your body is stressed, it releases cortisol. One of cortisol's main responsibilities is to break down
glycogen into glucose to be used immediately for energy.

Think back to the "fight or flight" response.

However, 10 times out of 10, the glucose isn't needed. So it gets recycled back into your body, except this
time as stored fat around your midsection and love handles.

Now maybe you try to “exercise it away” with crunches, sit-ups and
cardio... But this only makes things worse…

It’s like your entire biology is messed up. You have problems sleeping. Your libido
isn't what it used to be and your energy levels suffer.

Now it doesn't have to be this way. You can still get the body of your dreams
while reversing the effects of cortisol on your body.

This is right out of the Journal Of Obesity from a study done in 2011. The researchers state "the effects
of aerobic exercise on body fat is negligible. However, other forms of exercise may have a greater
impact on body composition. Like skeletal muscle adaptations that result in enhanced skeletal muscle fat
oxidation and improved glucose tolerance."

By elevating lactic acid throughout your entire body and not just in a specific muscle group.

You see, when lactic acid increases, it causes a fat-burning domino
effect in your body that can last up to 72 hours later.

Plus, you'll train your bio-chemistry to become a machine. Replacing fat with

You see, by following these ‘metabolic surge circuits’, you’ll send a signal to rebuild, regenerate and recycle energy.

So fat becomes your primary energy source to repair the damage done
during exercise.

Keep this up and you’ll teach your body to become a fat-burning
machine through this metabolic trick.

You’ll become anabolic and cause a surge of natural
anti-aging, muscle-building hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, which block the release
of cortisol and reversing the negative effects on your body.

Now if you’re scared to raise cortisol during your workout, don’t worry. As long as cortisol is “socializing” with testosterone and growth hormone, it’s belly-fat producing
effects are canceled out.

That’s why aerobic exercise flat out sucks!

Regular cardio allows cortisol to boil out of control.

By following a specific flow of exercises, you can transform your body in less than 45 minutes per
week. You won't need a gym and you no longer have to eat "diet food."

The first time, I lost close to 30 pounds. Replacing most of my fat with
muscle and I did it all in less than 45 minutes per week with just some dumbbells.

However, the second set of pics got me back into shape after a horrible breakup with my girlfriend
and bouts of depression. Maybe you’ve been down that road before...or you haven’t. I’m not
sure...But what lit a fire under my ass wasn’t because of the breakup. It was because she left me for a
fitness model. Talk about a slap in the face.

But I did get back on my feet and reclaimed what was mine...

That’s how powerful this method can be on your physique and physiology.

I’ve seen the effects first hand and they go way beyond the physical.

When you have a body that screams for attention, your entire mood and outlook will change. You’ll be much more positive and enjoy more confidence.

And those around you will begin treating your differently. Men will respect you and women will be
drawn to you.

It’s that powerful and can all happen just from transforming your body.

Soon, people were approaching me at work and asked what I was doing because I looked
different. Honestly, this was the first that ever happened, but I loved the attention...and
still do to this day.

After that, some of my friends asked me to go to the gym with them. To train them following the same
protocol I used to blast away all my fat and replace it with

And that’s what we did.

All of the workouts we performed together used just dumbbells and took less than 45
minutes total the entire week.

We were in and out faster than some people shower…

Then I got the idea to write all of this stuff down. A friend of mine said
I needed to share it with the world.

So I decided to write everything into a simple system

It’s my entire plan from soup to nuts that shows you how to
get ripped and in shape fast.

The best part is you won’t have to be married to a gym, a treadmill, an elliptical or a
diet. And this protocol will work for you whether you want to lose 10, 20 or 40+ pounds
of fat or believe you have crappy genetics and a slow metabolism.

You only need minutes to enjoy 450% more fat loss than traditional, boring cardio.

This system is designed for men looking to achieve an XTREME transformation and get back in

The science of XPRESS Fat Loss Workouts is a specific flow of exercises that cause a flood
of lactic acid…kickstarting a muscle-building, fat-burning domino effect you can't replicate by running on a

You'll literally teach your body to become anabolic while forcing it to
use stubborn fat for fuel instead of sugar.

Your hormonal system will be supercharged while you experience other positive effects like a heightened sense
of libido, stamina and more testosterone.

The Xpress Fat Loss System will give you the results you've always desired
and deserve.

The Truth About Belly Fat

This is the 1st manual you should read because it contains all the scientific explanations of
the program.

Don’t worry as it is so simple to understand.

It will teach you everything you need to know about the program so you’ll understand our
approach to losing fat.

12 - Week Xpress Workout Blueprint

This is the workout manual. This contains all the exercises and the 12 week program
designed to help you blow torch stubborn fat at will. It’s really easy. Just follow
the workouts.

And if you’re not sure about a certain exercise, I’ve got you covered with easy to understand
coaching cues.

Inside, you’ll see how to eat while following these XPRESS fat loss workouts. Everything is
laid out in a step by step format.

Just do what the diet says and you’ll drop pounds of fat without starving

Plus, everything inside is customizable to your body type and how much weight you’d like to

You can print this section bring anywhere for reference. You can also write down some
notes in this section.

This is your journal to record your progress and your activities. Tweaking small
details can lead to huge results.

For some guys, they just want to be told what to do. That’s why I included this quick
start checklist. It’s zero fluff.

Just the meat and potatoes of what you need to do each day.

15 Foods That Boost Metabolism

Unlock the metabolism boosting superpowers of 15 little-known foods that rev-up your body’s most powerful fat-melting hormones... while skyrocketing your energy levels and turning back the hands of time on your physique...

Simply eat the foods inside this short, yet powerful guide and let your metabolism do the rest. It couldn’t be easier...

Plus, 12 of the 15 foods on this list have been shown to increase your male libido and performance. So if you’re a man who wants more magic between the sheets, grab this classified foods list as my special bonus to you on this page only.

1 simple trick to flip on your fat-melting hormones so
your body only burns fat and not muscle…

Why most diets are not made for men and how they can
secretly sabotage your results...

How to eliminate belly fat, skyrocket your sex drive and build
pounds of muscle using this one set of workouts..

Why you only need 15 minutes to burn fat up to 72 hours later…

Discover the metabolic reset that banishes belly fat while boosting
your energy in the gym…

How I lost 30 pounds of pure body fat in less than 45 minutes
per week… (and it's not because of my genetics)

The best diet to skyrocket your testosterone levels, pile on muscle
while your body magically melts away fat from your frame…

The WORST "diet" foods you should never eat that could
give you floppy man boobs and love handles…

Dozens of the best kept secrets the world's top bodybuilders use to drop pounds fat!

A simple trick so you never go into starvation mode and your
metabolic rate uses fat for fuel…

Are you a beginner? I got you covered with my follow along
Phase 1 workout routine that guarantees changes in your
body every 7 days…

Stuck in a rut with your physique? Try this powerful 15 minute
metabolic surge workout 3x per week and get shredded
in no time…

My "secret mental training" tricks that help you keep your
brand new physique the rest of your life…

Why low carb diets suck and how to flip flop this outdated
principle to achieve a rapid fat loss response without
suffering or starving…

What to do when you've tried everything to lose those last 10 pounds (this is the secret
bodybuilders and
male fitness stars use when they hit a plateau and have to be shredded in weeks)

The #1 most effective fat loss trick ever (do this and your body will
never be the same)

How to crank up your metabolism in minutes per day and experience more energy
(this is so brain dead simple, anyone can use it)

I remember how it felt spinning my wheels. To spend money on supplements that didn’t
work. To have zero energy after work to exercise...And what it felt like to be out of shape, slow
and pudgy.

Listen, if you're feeling stuck, hopeless and ready to give up…

Don't, because it's not over for you.

You deserve to see what your body and life could become if you give it 110%… And the best part is you only need to commit 45 minutes per week.
That's it. I'm sure you have 45 minutes per week. That's small potatoes if you finally want the body
of your dreams without the time commitment.

That's why I specifically developed the entire system for the guy with no time to workout. Who is
done going to the gym tired and lacking motivation. Who wants a change and believes that
change is still possible…

I'm here to tell you all of this is within your grasp. You’ll have more muscle, enjoy less
belly fat, plus the confidence without starving yourself or running for miles every week.

Besides a body that causes others to stop and stare at the pool or beach, your testosterone levels
will skyrocket because of the magical power of lactic acid.

When you cause a flood of lactic acid to enter your body during these workouts, growth hormone and
testosterone decide to tag along.

And this spike in your natural anti-aging, muscle-building hormones will stay
elevated for up to 72 hours later. Allowing your body to use fat for growth and repair.

Trust me, you'll notice the difference during the day because when you have more of these
hormones circulating in your bloodstream, your entire mood and outlook will change.

You'll have more confidence and automatically more charisma.

Plus, your strength will increase and muscle mass increase. Even
if you're 90 years old. It doesn't matter.

Listen, all of this can be yours. With the Xpress Fat Loss
system, you'll transform your entire life.

Something that gets you in shape, boosts testosterone, human
growth hormone while erasing the negative effects of cortisol on your body.

Once you start with these workouts, which take VERY little time, you'll begin to notice a difference in the mirror every 7 days. Sometimes, guys see results
much faster. Almost the next day. That's how powerful this cocktail of hormones can be on your body.

There's a reason why bodybuilders take testosterone and growth hormone. But I doubt you want to go
down that illegal, shady path, especially when you get the same
results in less than 45 total minutes per week. These body-altering hormones are
already inside you.

It's time to utilize the Xpress Fat Loss workouts to make them finally work for you
instead of against you.

You see, most of these workouts are just WAY TOO hard for your body in the beginning. When they're too hard
and have you bouncing around for 30 minutes or more, this causes the reverse to happen. Cortisol
will skyrocket way out of control while testosterone and growth hormone are shut down.

The trick is to force a lactic acid build up in your entire body using a special flow of
exercises. Not a bunch of calisthenics that leave you tired and drenched in sweat and cause damage
to your joints.

This website and information costs a pretty penny to keep online. I'm not a rich man… In fact, I
split my time between coaching guys online and and working in an office.

Time is limited and so are resources. That's why I don't want to just give this away for free…or
charge a ridiculous price. That's not cool because I know what it's like to want something so bad,
that price get's in the way.

Especially with all the money you’ll be saving in the long run tinkering with your workout...trying to find
the “sweet spot”
for radical, efficient, permanent fat loss.

That’s why I believe this is a special time in history for us. Meaning
you and I.

My true passion is helping guys like you with little time on their hands to realize their true potential and
get the physique you’ve always wanted… Minus the BS, long workouts and starvation diets.

There's an easier way and it's right here on this page.

You have nothing to risk when you say yes to the Xpress Fat Loss
System right now. When you click the add to cart button, just give everything your best shot
because when you do, I guarantee you'll burn more body fat in less time than
ever before.

Plus, you'll train your biology to become a fat-burning, muscle-building machine.

And you have 60 days to notice these changes. So after this
timeframe, if you're still not happy with your results, then feel free to
shoot me an email and I'll be happy to refund your entire investment today.

I can't wait for you to experience the benefits the Xpress Fat Loss
Workout system will give you and how much your life is going to change.

Family and loved ones will see the new you and they'll love it. Just imagine how much more respect
you'll subconsciously command? How much more positive attention will be coming your way.

The people around you will feel your energy and they won't be able to ignore

You'll become addicted to your brand new physique and "she" is going to take notice as well.
Whether you're married, have a girlfriend or single looking to mingle…

Even when you're out and you meet someone. Your brand new confidence will ooze out of your pores. Heck, she
might even come up to you and say hi instead of you approaching her.

She’ll become obsessed over you.

A woman can sense this on a man. It goes back to millions of years of evolution. She'll be powerless around you.

Honestly, I credit this program and the power of lactic acid to getting me back in the game after my
girlfriend left me. This program transformed my body TWICE and gave me the confidence to
get back up on my feet.

And you can experience the same…

Option 1 is to do nothing and keep going around in circles...

Working out. Trying to eat right. Cutting your carbs, buying supplements hoping your body will
change…that your abs will appear and your muscles will pop through your favorite shirts.

But I'm here to tell you it's not going to happen. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you've
been doing the same thing over and over again, what makes you think anything is going to change? It

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different
result… So yea, you can do nothing and stick to your old ways if you want to remain the

But I don't think you want that. Especially if you're still here reading this article.

That's why you have Option 2. The smart and savvy choice.

The choice thousands have made in the past 2 months by saying YES to the Xpress Fat Loss
Workout system.

Guys are waking up with more energy and the metabolic rate they had 20+ years ago.

Every few days, they're noticing more definition in their stomach and entire body.
Including more strength and endurance. And they're doing it all in less than 45
minutes per week total.

You only have one life to live so why spend most of your time in a sweaty, loud gym when you don't
have too? I'm here to show you can get the sculpted body you've always wanted without marathon
workouts or running miles every week.

That's why you need to take action right now.

It's time to do the right thing for yourself. Say yes to the Xpress
Workout system.

Just follow the simple protocol I've laid out for you on the inside and I guarantee you'll notice
results. There's no way around it.

If I can get results with my crappy genetics in less than 45 minutes per week working 12 hour
days, so can you…

Everything is in your hands now. I can only do so much to help. You have to take it upon yourself to
walk through the door I've opened for you on this page.

To Your Success, Nicholas Ong

P.S. If you want to achieve insane results while your body transforms before your very eyes,
click here to get
started. I've made everything simple to follow. You can't get lost or confused. And if
you do, I'm just an email away to get you back on track. Click the add to cart button below
now and instantly be on your way to a physique that causes neck-snapping double takes from the opposite sex.

P.P.S. Don't forget, you have nothing to lose when you take advantage of this offer
today. Remember, you're backed up and protected by an iron clad, 60-day money back
guarantee. Go through the system for the next 60 days and just give me your best. That's all I

You’ll see results within the first week. You’ll lose a few pounds off the scale and feel
lighter on your feet. Some guys lose up to 5 pounds the first week. It’s all dependent on
your body.

Yes most definitely. There are 4 phases in the program. Phase 1 starts you at the beginning.
So yes, you can definitely use this program to get started if you haven’t worked out in
years... And the best part is you don’t need to belong to a gym so you save money in the
long run.

No. I created everything to take very little time out of your day. I'm talking about minutes
per day. That's it. 45 minutes give or take during the week.

Yes. Just a bit. You don't have to give up your favorite foods. But you will have to make
small changes. Don't worry though, I'm not talking about eating nothing but salads and
grilled chicken. You'll be eating more steak and fatty foods that taste delicious. You'll
see why on the inside.

Absolutely. When you click the “buy now” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure
payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically rocessed without
compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau
and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information
with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a
strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product
creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures
only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

Yes. You can securely purchase Xpress Fat Loss Workouts System using your PayPal account or
any major debit or credit card.

Right away in the next 30 seconds. If you can turn on your computer or tablet, then you'll
have no problem getting access to the entire Xpress Fat Loss Workout System.

*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort

DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician. The contents of this site should only be used as part of planning your overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark
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ClickBank's role as retailer does not
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© 2017. Nicholas Ong Fitness Services Inc. PO Box #306 Greenhills Post Office San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines 1502 -
All rights reserved.

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Breakthrough "Metabolic Hormone" Trick For Men Replaces 5,000 Hours In The Gym By Helping You Burn 450% More Body Fat In Less Than 45 Minutes Per Week... is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.